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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Bird Watchers :: Missing birds
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05/28/2023 07:21PM
Have had a few Rose Breasted Grosse Beaks, a couple of Orioles this Spring. They always move on. Lots of Ruby Throated Hummers, House Finches, a few Goldfinches, Bluejays, Downy Peckers, Cardinals (more than usual), Mourning Doves, and a Red Tail Hawk at or around the feeder. Lots of Red Winged Blackbirds, as usual. Tons of Robins, as usual. In the Winter, we always hear a lot of Great Horned Owls that will call back when you imitate their calls.

We have several Red Headed Peckers around. They like to peck on the aluminum gutters every morning at 6 am, 6:30 am, and 6:45 am. Possible lead poisoning may happen if they don't learn GTFOOH. (Get the ____ out of here).

I'm in the NW burbs of Chicago in a partially wooded area.

05/28/2023 03:34PM
The first two are up here in the Duluth area. No Orioles (yet).
05/29/2023 07:27AM
Haven't had much action at my feeder. Two of my neighbors have feeders now, so I guess the birds have more options. Just the usual birds. I did see an oriole about 10 days ago while on the job. I now do park maintenance for Dakota County in Minnesota, so I get to go to a lot of parks. Also saw an Indigo bunting whilst on the job. And a hummer showed up yesterday.
05/23/2023 10:55PM
Every year I look forward to the spring migration of our feathered friends.

This year several birds apparently bypassed my feeders on their way north.

I always have gotten White Crowned Sparrows, Rose Breasted Grosbeaks, and Orioles. Not this year. Haven't even heard them.

Next year perhaps.