BWCA 31 pounds Boundary Waters Group Forum: Health and Fitness
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   Group Forum: Health and Fitness
      31 pounds     



distinguished member(2649)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/08/2012 12:21PM  
31 pounds.. that's how much weight my husband has lost doing 90x! I only have 3 pounds left to reach my goal. How are you all doing?
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senior member (64)senior membersenior member
06/20/2012 09:02PM  
I'm nearly to my goal weight but I'm not really concentrating on a number anymore. By weight, I've got about 5-7 lbs to go. More importantly, I feel really good where I am now. I've been building muscle and getting leaner and faster. So, if the number on the scale doesn't change but I lose another inch I'll be happy. I have no time goal for this to happen anymore which takes the pressure off. I'm able to run every day without getting sore. I completed 2 rounds of Insanity and 1 round of P90X so far. This summer I'm working on my running with a couple days of weights on easy run days or rest days. The 1st photo is me in 2007 and the 2nd photo is me a couple weeks ago after completing my 1st triathlon.

distinguished member(2649)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/20/2012 10:06PM  
That is amazing! great job! How much weight did you loose? I lost 68 pounds about 10 year ago and have kept it off (no pics.. this was before digital lol). I told my husband the hardest part of all of it is maintenance in the long term
senior member (64)senior membersenior member
06/21/2012 07:22AM  
About 70 lbs total since 2008. I went from size 18 to size 4-5. I agree, maintaining the weight loss is the tough part. I have to exercise and I have had to really watch what I eat. I don't necessarily count calories but I can't let 1 oreo turn into a whole pack of oreos...Portion size is the key for me. I watched an interesting tv series called The Weight of the Nation and one episode is very thought provoking. A "weight reduced person's" brain is constantly trying to get you back to your pre-loss weight. Apparently our bodies learn to become so efficient that even if we eat the exact same thing as a person who has always been skinny, our bodies act like we are overeating. This phenomenon is believed to remain for life! That was such a depressing thing to hear. And the researchers believe that is why it is so hard to keep weight off after losing it. It's going to be a lifelong struggle. They blamed it on a hormone called leptin. It was a very interesting series and I encourage everyone to watch it.

The really tough thing for me is when family wants to go out to eat. Or when my mother-in-law wants us over for dinner. There is always too much food and sometimes it feels like we are forced to eat everything and then take leftovers home. Love her to death but.....
distinguished member(2649)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/21/2012 10:40AM  
". A "weight reduced person's" brain is constantly trying to get you back to your pre-loss weight."

Yes! I tell my husband that I have a fat person inside of me always trying to get out and win. It's an hourly thing telling that part of me. no you can't have all that.. no you can't just sit on the couch all day.
so what you say makes perfect since to me. After all this time I feel I still have to fight that

"The really tough thing for me is when family wants to go out to eat. Or when my mother-in-law wants us over for dinner. There is always too much food and sometimes it feels like we are forced to eat everything and then take leftovers home."

Yes again! I find that people think I'm to skinny (size 4 like you) and they WANT me to eat more! I think they might feel guilty for their size and it makes them feel better if I eat???? I'm not sure. All I know is if I fill my plate people are happy. I throw away about half the food when they aren't looking (which is hard to do anyway!)
senior member (64)senior membersenior member
06/21/2012 09:20PM  
I think that sometimes, too. People want me to eat more because they either think I'm starving myself or because they want to feel better about their choices. I don't know. It's probably all in my head... If those researchers are right, though, in order to not gain weight back I probably do seem like I'm starving myself. In truth, our bodies have just become such efficient metabolic machines that we simply don't need the 2000 calories a day or whatever the calculators tell us.

After a short time of falling off the workout wagon and gaining some weight back really fast, I realized that in order to feel fit and happy I had to get back on track and stay there. So far, so good. I actually fear the day that I might get injured while running or cycling. I hate the thought of being side-lined for months. I know I need to eat smart and train smart.
distinguished member(2649)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/21/2012 10:40PM  
My treadmill died last Dec and it took a month to get it replaced. I gained 6 pounds (about 1 pound a week) while it was down. I told my husband I can NEVER go without a treadmill again
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