BWCA Trip report and a big Thanks to all ! Boundary Waters Group Forum: Solo Tripping
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   Group Forum: Solo Tripping
      Trip report and a big Thanks to all !     



distinguished member (409)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/09/2015 12:05PM  
First I want to start out by saying thank you, thank you, thank you… This trip would have not been as nearly enjoyable without all the important things I learned in this sub forum from all of you. I was called out of town for work the day after I returned ( The last thing I wanted to do after missing my Family for 10 days) so I apologize for the long delay in my report. My trip included lots of new Gear. This was my 1st time using a hammock. The Eno Jungle nest. I won’t be using a tent again if I can help it. So very comfortable. I also picked up a new CCS Tarp before I left. I am glad I went with the 12x14. Kept me high and Dry since the 1st 3 days of my trip saw rain most of the Day. This was my 1st time trying wet footing.. I used the Chota Caney Forks with wool socks. I was very comfortable. The only 2 small complaints I had is that they can be very slick on smooth surfaces, like most boots I suppose, and they are not quick drying, even sitting out in the sun for a while but you are just getting wet right away anyways so I suppose that’s not too big of an issue. Of course my new CCS guide packs were awesome and I loved the way they carried all my gear. For Navigation besides my Maps I did try for the 1st time using my Note 4 smart phone along the Back Country Navigator App. It was great for making sure I was on Track and finding difficult to spot portages. I love the app. Easy to download new mapping software and super easy to use. I kept the Phone in a clear dry bag and it couldn’t have worked out better. To keep the Phone charged up I brought an Anker charging brick. It’s a pretty small unit. About the size of two decks of cards set side by side. It lasted the full 9 days charging my Phone/GPS, charging my ecig battery and I even watched a movie or two during rainy days at camp. I highly recommend both the Back Country Navigator app along with the Anker charging brick. I did chicken out on paddling the Magic and decided it might be better if I paddled the Encounter for this first Solo. I enjoyed the boat but In a stiff breeze I did have a hard time keeping the larger boat on track. One thing I was disappointed in was the fact that I did not really enjoy using the double blade paddle like I thought I would. I didn’t use it at all after the 1st day even and was mad I had to Drag it around with me for 9 days. My outfitter uses the Carbon Black Light Bent shaft Wenonah Paddles. 1st time using a bent shaft Carbon paddle and I will say I cannot ever see using another wood Paddle again. I got the hang of using it right away and was pretty happy with my pace since again this was the 1st time in a solo boat.

My original plan was to head up through the number chain, through Insula, Thomas, Kek and down Knife and back out through Snow Bank. I had my outfitter drop my truck off on Snowbank and bring me to the Lake one Access. I made it up to Insula after taking my time in the rain by the Morning of day two. The walleye fishing was awesome and caught all the fish I wanted but sadly nothing Over 23 inches . I spent 3 days on Insula witch was a mistake. With the Next 3 days of a big wind and I only made it to Thomas before being stuck there for another 3 days. Not where I wanted to be after Day 6 . I did catch a handful of small Lakers , 1st time summer Laker fishing for me so that was good. My best bait for lakers was jigging a size 4 white Tube Jig. I did catch two little ones Trolling the Knock off Deep Diver Tail dancers by Cabalas . After you guys told me I had way too much gear more than once I still ended up taking too much gear. Two CCS packs plus a dry bag made double and sometimes triple Portaging necessary. Why is it that people here preach over and Over that you don’t need tons of Tackle and we still bring tons of tackle. I learned my lesson, that’s for sure. I ended up Cutting over from Thomas and heading out from there on Day 8 instead of making up to Knife . I was a little bumbed out by this but now I have a new area to explore in the near future. I only made one big rookie mistake on this trip. I looked at the Map on day 8 and Figured I could paddle all the way out from where I was at . I made it to Snow bank just as it was getting Dark. The wind and waves picked up and about half way across and it got a bit scary. I pulled up to a bigger Island just East of the access in the Dark, Pulled out my pad and bag and crashed out right there on the ground for the night and never woke up once till morning. I would Love to participate in a group Solo this fall if anyone wants to get one going. I am going to try to take the Kids up in August as well. Again thanks guys for all the great advice. I couldn’t have had a better time.

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07/09/2015 12:54PM  
Glad to hear you had a good time and thanks for sharing the report.
07/09/2015 01:07PM  
Nice review. And yes, we make plans then we do what happens. It seems part of tripping is the ability to make adjustments. Love your attitude; a little bummed but a new area to explore in the near future.
And yes a trip coinciding with Fall wing in the twin cities is on my radar and making it a group event would be so cool.
07/09/2015 01:18PM  
Thanks for sharing, looks like you and your dog had a great trip, you will know now what you don't need and can lighten up a little more.
distinguished member(1973)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/09/2015 06:51PM  
quote wvevans: " Why is it that people here preach over and Over that you don’t need tons of Tackle and we still bring tons of tackle. I learned my lesson, that’s for sure. "
I really doubt that you learned the lesson. :) I was one that told you you were bringing too much tackle. I still brought too much tackle on my recent trip. It is a lesson that is very hard to learn. Kind of the same with food. How did you end up in that department?

Sounds like a really good trip. Start planning the next one.
07/09/2015 08:24PM  
Glad to hear you had a great trip. Thanks for the report and gear reviews.

Like hobbydog, I was wondering what you ended up doing in the food dept. and how it worked out. . .? I did several trips before I really got that under control.

I don't think I've had a trip go completely as planned, and many have been considerably different, which usually means a good bit shorter ;).

I vacillated back and forth between single blades and double blades for several years before I became comfortable with the double blade (or single for that matter). I still take one of each and switch back and forth.

When I took fishing equipment - and I wasn't fishing seriously - I was surprised to find that it still weighed 5-6 lbs. Photography gear can up quickly too. I think just about anything extra you're interested in doing in there - fishing, photography, gourmet meals, reading - all adds considerable pounds, as well as considerable enjoyment for many. I enjoy doing a lot of "nothing" and, surprisingly, even that adds weight ;).

For those interested in the group solo thing, I'm going in EP# 50, Cross Bay, Wednesday, September 23rd. If that coincides with your schedule and you want to hook up for a couple of days, let me know. Steve may join me for the first couple of days - Cross Bay to Snipe, then Snipe to Tuscarora, maybe one or two more before exiting while I continue on.

07/09/2015 08:52PM  
quote boonie:

For those interested in the group solo thing, I'm going in EP# 50, Cross Bay, Wednesday, September 23rd. If that coincides with your schedule and you want to hook up for a couple of days, let me know. Steve may join me for the first couple of days - Cross Bay to Snipe, then Snipe to Tuscarora, maybe one or two more before exiting while I continue on.


I'm going to think hard about this. Sounds fun.! Im teaching a new grade level (1st ) next year so getting a couple of days off in September will be trickier than the past
distinguished member (409)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/09/2015 09:56PM  
My meal planning, preparing still sucks. I can tell you one thing. I'm done with freeze dried dinners for a while. I'm getting sick of them and tried them all. The only one I can still do are the meals from the Trail Center but I cant do the others anymore and I found out I am getting to old to be surviving on peanute M&M's and Mio also. Although I do still love Mio. I spent good money on my Fry-Bake pan and my other stuff and i want to use them for somthing good. I think I'm going to try one of the CCS insulated packs and try fresh food for a few trips. For this trip I used a 5 gallon bucket with a gamma seal and the smaller vittles vault for food/gear I got from Pete and it worked great for all my stuff. I already can think of many things that won't make the next pack list so I hope I can still drop some additional weight weight. I'm going to look at the september vacation calendar for sure.
07/10/2015 06:38AM  

If you can handle 1st graders, you MIGHT survive tripping with me :) I'm old and cantankerous.

My sister was originally planning to com with me, but she's been unable to commit due to some health issues and it looks more and more certain that won't change. If it works out for you, I'm staying at Nelson's in GM the night before (on your recommendation) and I think there are 2 beds in the room, so we can share it if she doesn't come. And no matter what my wife says, I DO NOT snore ;).


If Sept might work, let me know.

It took me quite a while to get my food to a point where I was satisfied with the amount and wasn't carrying too much extra and also to find meals that I liked. Individual tastes can be so varied that it's hard to tell from someone else's experience, but I'm wondering what brands of freeze-dried foods you have tried . . .?

I haven't tried the Camp Chow from Trail Center, but many like them. I have had better luck with the smaller makers of dehydrated meals who don't add a lot of chemicals or sodium vs. the larger ones like Mountain House that do, but even then it's taken some experimentation. I don't like all the meals from a maker equally, just like I don't like all the meals at my favorite restaurant.

You may just find that you prefer doing your own.

All (who may be interested)-

I think I posted (quite a while ago) about my 12-day trip plan, but the general plan is to enter at Cross Bay, stay a night on Snipe - yeah, I know it's a short first day - then on to Tuscarora via Copper Lake and the Howl portage, which should be fun :). And interesting - Steve has heard rumors of signs of Paleo-Indian copper mining on copper. After Tuscarora, I have grand plans (that probably won't get completed :)) for a long loop to the west and back to Tuscarora and out through Missing Link to Round Lake. The general idea is to head to Little Sag, then west through Ledge and back through Kekekabic, but some foot surgery has hampered my efforts at "getting in shape", and there's always the "weather issue", especially that time of year.
distinguished member(3687)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/11/2015 05:25AM  
Good to hear the vittles vault worked out. Put me on a list for a maybe for a September trip
07/11/2015 08:15AM  
boonie.... You are one of the people on here that I've always thought would be fun to do the group solo thing with.

I'm expecting to be very tired at the beginning of the year as each and every one of them will need me non stop all day:) It's going to be a big adjustment. I'll probably be going to bed at 6:00 every night. Both girls will be playing travel soccer this fall so getting away for a weekend will be more difficult also. That's a big reason I'm doing my solo in Aug. because I wanted to make sure I got one in this year.

If it works out that I can do it I'd probably take TH, Fri off and drive up during the night Wed entering TH morning and figure out a meeting place like Snipe or Tuscarora on Thursday?? Then I'd head out on Sun. Where are you exiting and are you exiting on Fri. Oct. 2nd??? Or if it works better w/ my schedule I could enter TH 1st and meet you on a predetermined lake for your last night. Just thinking out loud hear as I wouldn't know what/if it would work until Sept.

I've only had the Camp Chow samples at the restaurant and they are very good. I see they now have "in the bag" directions so I'm going to get some the next time I'm there. I may even order a couple on line to bring on my Aug trip.
07/11/2015 09:57AM  
ducks (and everyone else who's interested)-

I also had the thought that some peoples' schedules might fit into meeting at the end better, but the logistics would be more difficult.

If you come in at the beginning, ducks, I'll be on Snipe Wednesday night, Tuscarora Thursday night, and then most likely on to Little Sag for Friday night.

If you come in Cross Bay early Thursday morning, you could meet me (us) at the portage to Copper Lake, which could be interesting and we'll continue on through the Howl Swamp portage, which should be fun ;). Alternately, you could enter at Missing Link (from Round) and just catch us on Snipe.

I plan to exit on Sunday, Oct. 4th, at Round Lake and walk to my car at the Cross Bay landing. Plans at the end are, of course, more subject to the "vagaries" - weather, whim, etc. - but the general plan is to camp on Missing Link (or maybe Tuscarora) the last night, Saturday the 3rd, and have an easy exit Sunday. The plan is to be on Crooked the night before that and on Gabi Thursday.

Pete, wv, bhouse- let us know if any works for you.
07/11/2015 11:41AM  
Boonie, that doesn't work for me as wing night is such a great half way point and chance to meet/greet it is part of the fall trip planning. I will be in that area soon and post upon return.
07/11/2015 12:40PM  
boonie.. I agree meeting up at the end would be much more difficult.... for example last year if I had entered at Sawbill like I had thought about doing I would not have found you on Kelso like we had talked since you weren't there with the campsites being full :)
07/11/2015 01:36PM  

Yeah, but the worst that happens is you get a solo and I get a group solo with my multiple personalities - me, myself, and I (I am never alone) :). And you don't have to put with another bunch of 6-year-olds ;).

I hope it works out one way or another. If not, you'll have to drive the gang down to WV and get "indoctrinated". I hope indoctrination's not against any religion ;).
07/11/2015 01:44PM  

Sorry it's not going to work out for you, but I'll look forward to your report.
07/21/2015 07:12PM  
boonie... the beginning of your trip just took a hit for me. Older daughter has evaluations for basketball Sept. 27th and now it looks like I have to be there. The girl who's parents coached their team last year is not playing this year and several parents (a few of the girls were on the softball team I coached this spring/summer and a couple others I taught in 3rd grade) asked me to coach the team and the coach needs to be at evaluations I guess.

So now when we get to Sept. I'll have to see what the 4 day weekend of Th Oct. 1st to Sun. Oct. 4th holds for me.
07/21/2015 08:41PM  
That's the way these things seem to go, ducks - that's why planning solos is so much easier :), but maybe it'll work out for later; if it does, I hope we don't just end up paddling by each other on opposite sides of an island. You do know where I'm staying after I exit, so you can always come and buy me dinner while I make up all kinds of true stories to entertain you :).

Here is the one truth that coaches must know, ducks: The team with the most points wins. The team that loses is coached by some idiot who doesn't know that :).

Hope to see you in Oct. Only 2 months away now, starting to get excited!
07/21/2015 08:59PM  
Yes boonie I agree, trying to coordinate trips w/ others is very tough..... of my almost 15 trips only 2 have been w/ friends and the rest have been with my wife or girls and 1 solo. Planning a trip w/ my family can be hard enough to figure out. That was why I jumped on doing a solo in mid August because I was afraid the fall would be way to busy and full. It's looking like that's what's going to happen so I'm very happy I get to go in 3 weeks.
07/22/2015 06:49AM  
It's hard to even coordinate a day or weekend with my brother and sister, much less a long trip to MN and the BW!

Hope to see you in Oct.

Bill, Pete - how's it looking for you guys? Last minute decision . . .?
distinguished member(3687)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/23/2015 04:45PM  
Busy 9-27 thrust 10-4. Wedding anniversary. Anyone got 8-29 thrust 9-4 open?
07/23/2015 07:48PM  
quote pswith5: "Busy 9-27 thrust 10-4. Wedding anniversary. Anyone got 8-29 thrust 9-4 open?"

Happy Anniversary! You could come in the 23rd through the 26th . . . surely you won't be that busy and your wife will understand ;).

I've been married over 41 years now and there's a very simple reason for that.
distinguished member(742)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/17/2015 04:07PM  
Congrats on the trip and thanks for the report!

Welcome to the luxury that is hammock hanging.

Did the puppy stay in the hammock with you??
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